“There’s not a day I don’t think about skiing” – Interview Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten

At GearLimits we love talking about outdoor and actions sports, and obvioulsy about gear. At times we take the opportunity to talk fascinating people. Sometimes world class athletes (check out the interviews (in Dutch) with Bibian Mentel and KJ van der Klooster, Paralympic Athletes) and sometimes people like Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten. Well known in the digital world as Co-Founder of The Next Web, a global leading technology blog with TNW conferences over the whole world, Boris calls himself a “serial entrepeneur” and he has an impressive track record in the founding (and sometimes succesfully selling) of a variety of tech companies.

“Boris went to the circus school when he was 15 (in 1987 was the only one in The Netherlands who could juggle 7 balls), he graduated cum laude from artschool in Enschede and he was selected for the Rijksacademie in Amsterdam.” (www.boris.to)

We met Boris for the first time during one of the TNW conferences, and learned about his passion for skiing. We were immidiately struck by the open and friendly charm of Boris, and the way he could realy tell a great story. He told us about his experience with and love for skiing and decided that he would be great tester for some high-end gear. On one of his trips to Vall Torens in France, we were able to outfit him with:

  • POC skull light II helmet
  • POC Receptor Backcountry MIPS helmet
  • POC lobes ski goggles
  • Haglöfs Vassi Freeki suit
  • Rossignol Super 7 ski’s 188cm

A great set-up provided to us by POC, Haglöfs and Rossignol: thanks for that.

After that trip we had a sit down with Boris to talk about his experience with these items, but during a great converstaion (more than an interview really) we also touched on much more than gear. We talked about focus, safety, about the sweet spot between control and letting go, being observant and of skiing as a metafor for life. And much more.

Under these lines you can find a short preview of the interview, but be sure to watch the full length. It’ll be worth your while!

[vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/HmDAKrfGnfE”][vc_gallery type=”flexslider_fade” interval=”3″ images=”4114,4115,4116″ onclick=”link_image” custom_links_target=”_self” img_size=”600×600″]
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