Film: De Marathon du Mont Blanc with TeamSalomonNL

The Marathon du Mont Blanc is an iconic trailrunning event where runners compete in various distances on the grueling trails in and around Chamonix. An incredibly inspiring event, nature is so beautiful, the atmosphere in Chamonix so cool, the athletes world class and we feel and endless respect for each and every runner braving the 30+ degrees celsius temperartures during the 2019 edition.

In this film we see five of the six members of TeamSalomonNL that we have recently followed, each of whom participates at their own, sometimes several distances:

  • Susan van Duijl on the 90km
  • Tim van den Broeke on the Vertical K (1000 vertical meters in 3.9 km distance) and the 23 km.
  • Tim Pleijte on the Vertical K and the Marathon
  • Michel Buijck on the 23 km
  • Suzan Nieman on the marathon.

Really a team of incredibly beautiful people who each enter the competition in their own way. We were allowed to follow them closely, before and after the start, but we also spoke to them during the race. Unfortunately, there is no English subtitling yet, but we hope that wil follow soon!

I myself was really looking forward to be at the start of this memorable event next year.

For all info about them, go to the TeamSalomonNL site (in Dutch).