PEEK Inside UNEEK Factory

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For three years, KEEN’s Innovation Program Manager, Rory Fuerst jr. studied ’the foot’. Piece by piece he designed a new concept, with two cords and a sole, UNEEK was born. First brought to market in 2014.

The UNEEK is not categorized as a sandal or sneaker by KEEN. Both terms do not do justice to the shoe. KEEN prefers the term Open Air Footwear.

At last years OutDoor 2015 we spoke with Rory Fuerst jr. about the design, this year we discuss the production process with Field Service Representative (FSR), Pete Buschmann. He demonstrates from start to finish how the UNEEK is constructed from the individual parts. The minimalistic design requires almost 100% manual assembling.

Now you know everything about the UNEEK production process. Wanna see a video of the conception of the design? Check YouTube.

Get your own pair?

  • For: Men, Women and Children
  • Models: UNEEK, UNEEK O2 (with closed heel) and Special Editions
  • Available with round or flat cord and numerous colourways

For more detailed information about UNEEK, visit KEEN Footwear.

Retail prices start at € 89,95

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Editors Squad
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