Review: Dupraz 5,5″ D1 All-Mountain snowboard (ENG)

logo-frosty“What a beautiful board” my first thoughts at seeing the Dupraz D1 5,5” when I went to pick up the board along with a few others at Dutch bases specialty shop Frosty Snowboarding (many thanks for the sweet decks we got tot try). Just aesthetically speaking. The nose made me dream of surfing over powder from the get go. And that is what this board does.


We tested the Dupraz on and off-piste in Austrian resorts of Ishgl and Galtür. We enjoyed some amazing days, the first real snowdump of the season to hit that part of the alps in 2016. So not an incredible base, but really fresh powder and many inches of it.

The Review

Post Foto's landscape.001The look of the Dupraz is certain to draw looks on the mountain, but there is much more than just the look, and it can start you off on the wrong foot. Because what you see is a really long board, but the concern that it would handle like a long board is unfounded. The nose scoops up quite early so that the effective edge (the length of the board that is actually in contact with the snow, is much shorter). As a result it does handle like a shorter board. And regardless of the nose you can ride switch as well, though it just comes less natural that twin boards (obviously)
The base of the Dupraz is flat, making the edge to edge transition fluent, and helping its handling during on-piste higher speed carving. (If you want to know more about boards profiles/shapes check out our GearGuide.) So for a board that looks as a powder board, the ride on piste is aggressive and really, really good. With the + and ++ stiffer versions of the board, (more carbon) that aggressiveness will increase even more. We road the standaard board which was easy to ride, from an easy cruise to really bombing down groomers. That being said, it doesn’t have that ultra aggressive feel of real camber boards, but it does go a far way.


It really comes into its own on powdery runs. The nose does really surf the snow, providing much needed float, helping at lower speeds and shorter turns to keep your board above the snow. But if you do happen to dive into the snow, it will really shovel into it. So keep that nose up, bring your weight a bit back and you’ll have an amazing time. The sensation of surfing on powder is just that much stronger on this board.

So in effect, the Dupraz is a very complete All-Mountain board that will serve your piste and powder desires and is just so much fun. And once again, it just looks really good.

Review overzicht



The Dupraz is very complete all-mountain board that goes towards freeriding. It has a strong appetite for powder, but will perform well on piste as well. And the classic oldskool look will certainly draw some attention you and your beautiful board.
Mark Stokmans
Mark Stokmans
Since I can remember I have been very active in many different sports: started with baseball, tennis and riding later hockey, football, running and aikido. In addition, since twelve years old I've been into actionports: at first windsurfing, later climbing, inline skating, snowboarding, mountain biking. With the first action cams coming onto the market I've been making action sports videos. Furthermore, I've worked in the sports industry since 1990, sports marketing, media and live TV and until the end of 2016 at the Dutch Olympic Committee. Besides being partner in GearLimits I work as a digital freelancer. Based in the Netherlands, Married with Children (11 and 13 years old)


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The Dupraz is very complete all-mountain board that goes towards freeriding. It has a strong appetite for powder, but will perform well on piste as well. And the classic oldskool look will certainly draw some attention you and your beautiful board.Review: Dupraz 5,5" D1 All-Mountain snowboard (ENG)