FunFriday: Kayak vs Inflatable Lobster from Off 70-Foot Waterfall

Rafa Ortiz trades his kayak for inflatable pool toy in this one-of-a-kind waterfall send. Most people would consider running a perfectly good kayak off a 70-foot waterfall somewhat extreme. But for Rafa Ortiz, that’s just another day at the office. In fact, Ortiz has practically perfected the art of the waterfall send to where he’s now seeking out different variations of the same display of bravado.

Case in point, Ortiz’s recent ode to summer: Hopping on the back of an inflatable lobster-shaped pool toy and hucking himself headfirst off a 70-foot waterfall in Washington State. Yes, this is as wild and wacky as it sounds!

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Hayco Volkers
Hayco Volkers
I have practiced a multitude of sports since my youth to the present. My first sports as a child were judo and athletics. Cycling, hiking, mountain biking, kyokushin karate, diving, baseball, golf and windsurfing, rowing and krav maga were added later.


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